
MISSION STATEMENT: Mobilizing women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ.
OUR PURPOSE: As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ,
and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts,
support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action,
and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world.

South Carolina Women of the ELCA
She Shed Project: Helping Vwanji Women!
In 2023 the Tanzania Mission team from the SC Synod was visiting the Southwestern Diocese of Tanzania. At that time, the General Secretary asked Cathy Milejczak, head of team, if there was a way that we could help the women who raise the crops on farms in this area. They needed small farm machines to help with the tilling and the harvesting. At that time, they were tilling, planting, and harvesting all by hand.
The team learned that their crops had changed and this was presenting a major issue in their farming practices. Tanzania had previously imported their wheat from Ukraine. With the war and the restrictions on Ukrainian exports wheat was no longer available to the Tanzanian.
Unable to find another equitable source to import, the Tanzanian government mandated that the farmers had to grow their own wheat. The ladies planted the wheat. But the harvesting by hand presented a real problem. It is a very tedious and cumbersome job. In fact, they needed to hire paid help which took away any profit they made.
That year, SC WELCA committed to raise money for the farm equipment including a tractor and all the accessories needed. South Carolina women have always succeeded in raising money for global as well as local projects. The total cost for this was estimated to be about $60,000.00. This is an amount that far exceeds anything we have ever raised. With God’s guidance, we were able to raised a total of $45,365. The balance needed was achieved by donations from the SC Synod and other organizations.
The tractor and accessories were delivered this past fall. The celebration and blessing of the equipment was held on Sunday, Jan. 26. Below are pictures from this celebration.

Register now for our May Isle of Palms retreat!
May 16 - 18, 2025
Cafe Chocolat
Looking for time away from the business of life?
Time to relax with friends, share laughs, stories, and a few bites of chocolate?
Well, you've come to the right place! Here at Cafe Chocolat, we'll enjoy time with each other as we delight in God's grace.
Cafe Chocolat is a retreat where women slow down and enjoy time with other women and with God. It's an in-depth Bible study, and unforgettable worship experience, and an open invitation for women to delight in God's goodness and grace.
To registration and pay by mail, click this link. REGISTRATION FORM​

Use this QR Code to register for Isle of Palms and pay online!