MISSION STATEMENT: Mobilizing women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ.
OUR PURPOSE: As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ,
and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts,
support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action,
and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world.
Welcome to the Projects Page
Global and Local Projects for 2025
Our global project will support Lutheran World Relief with fabric kits. We are also asking for contributions to cover the cost of shipping the kits to Minnesota, where they will be collected from all over the country and shipped to where they are needed. For more information go to LWR Fabric Kits.
Our local project will be a Lighthouse for Life Their mission statement is “We fight to eradicate human trafficking by educating our community, and empowering survivors.” For more information go to https://lighthouseforlife.org/. We will be adding their Wish List soon!
Global Projects
A She Shed: helping Vwanji women!
WE DID IT! We met our initial goal for the She Shed Project. The tractor and accessories will be delivered in January 2025 and the barn will be finished and waiting! There are continued expenses for this project so if you are interested in contributing, direct your donation to SC WELCA Treasurer, Rachel Quesada at 520 Timber Lane, Anderson, SC 29621.
“The Fifth Gospel Foundation”
One of our local projects for 2024 is to provide funds to add to The Fifth Gospel Foundation. This is a perpetual endowment established through the ELCA Foundation and administered through the SC Synod. Disbursements from the Foundation will be used to provide funding assistance to Lutheran Seminary students and Lutheran Rostered Ministers assisting them to experience the Fifth Gospel first hand. We are aware that travel to this area is still on hold at this time, but everyone is praying and hoping that the peace and love will come! If you are interested in contribution to the Fifth Gospel Foundation, send your donation to SCWELCA Treasurer, Rachel Quesada. Make your check payable to SCWELCA. Also note on the check, “Fifth Gospel Foundation”. Mail to: Rachel at 520 Timber Lane, Anderson, SC 29621.
​Neighbors Together was our local convention project for 2024. They are nonprofit providing food, clothing, medical care, sheltering, job training, financial assistance , clothing, legal assistance and other vital services to our neighbors in the tri-county area of Charleston. If you are interested in contributing to Neighbors Together go to https://neighborstogethersc.org/.
Pleae consider contributing to this campaign. to the left you will see the drawings of the new Chapel to be build. The Chapel/Multi-Use Meeting Space will have seating for 180 people, and a 287 sq ft. kitchen. Fully accessible for all guests. 495 sq. ft. Lobby/Break-out and a space with scenic lake views with a wrap-around porch. Estimated cost: $1,800,000. for updates go to https://sclrc.com/campaign/.
Make your check payable to SCWELCA. Also note on the check, “Camp Kinard”. Mail to: SCWELCA, c/o Rachel Quesada, Treasurer, 520 Timber Lane, Anderson, SC 29621.
Newberry College Nursing Scholarship
In 2021, the South Carolina Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America have established an endowed scholarship for nursing students at Newberry College. After our recent pandemic, we have seen the toll and devastation that occurred within our nation and the world. This fund is just a small but mighty step in assisting in the development of nurses who will provide healing and wholeness to the church, society and the world.​
If you would like to donate to the SC WELCA Nursing Scholarship Find, please mail directly to Newberry College, 2100 College Street, Newberry, SC 29108. Please note in the memo: SC WELCA Nursing Scholarship.